Thursday, September 26, 2013

Zakka Along Week 17 Handy Market Tote

I have been a bag maker for many years. I have made all types and styles so naturally I LOVED making this bag. So far I have made a total of 6 of these useful bags. This pattern is great and the instructions are written very clearly. Everyone I know must have one of these for Christmas! I have cut out a few more and I will stock pile them for the upcoming holidays. There IS only 99 days till Christmas. :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Zakka Along Week 16 I-Love-My-Ipad Quilted Cover

Week 16,  I love my I-pad cover.
I don't have an I-pad, so this is going to make a great gift to someone.
I really enjoyed quilting this project. As I gathered the supplies I realized I had the velcro in a jar in my studio. I was thrilled I didn't have to go to the store to buy a thing to make this. I have no idea what I will do with myself once the sew along is over. I am happy though that I was able to get some Christmas gifts done early, awesome ones at that :o)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 15 I had troubles, pencil case

Did anyone else have troubles with this pencil case? I started by making the tiny pencil points with the paper piecing method. That in itself was quite the challenge with all the tiny sewing. I was pretty doggone proud of myself for just accomplishing that until it came time to sew them together. Needless to say, the little pieces are still there but not on the bag, as you can see. I did the best I could in the 3 hours I spent working on this pouch. I can make a pencil bag in my sleep but this one, well, it is what it is. I envy the people who are able to complete this project. I do think it looks nice even if it doesn't have the pencil points. With these projects I think I have found, the bigger the better, for me anyways. I seem to have trouble with the smaller projects.
Happy sewing...till next week.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Zakka Along Week 14 Triangle Patchwork Box Pouch

Week 14,  Oh My!!!! I was a little worried when I saw this project in the book. I did make a little mistake but I can live with it. I am sure you can see what I did wrong too. I do think it's an adorable little pouch and it will make a fabulous present. I think this is a bag I will make again and the box pouch is something I have been wanting to learn to make. So Cheers for that.
Happy Sewing, I will be back next week.