Monday, December 31, 2012

Well Hello Again.
I thought I would share another item from the Wrap along.
This one went to my friend Lori for Christmas, inside are two candy bowls, I made the fabric wrap, it was just a square she can use later as a placemat, dish cloth, napkin etc.
The rose is from the book it was called the Resplendent Rose I chose the variation where there are no ragged edges, on the back I hand sewed a pipe cleaner so it could be wrapped around the fabric and held in place (almost too pretty to open) but the bowls were awesome too :) 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wrap Along

  I participated in a wrap along the few weeks leading up to Christmas. I must say it was pretty inspiring. I had a lot of fun and it challenged me to think even more outside the box.
The book I was working from was Ruby Star Wrapping by Melody Miller and Allison Tannery.
 Right before I started this endeavor a friend of mine gave me this old suitcase full of interesting things. It had mat board, ribbons, scrap booking paper,tape and lots of other fun stuff. I ending up using a lot of the supplies out of this suitcase for the projects I did.
Probably my favorite project from this book (I could make all day and all night) was the newspaper flower. In the box of goodies I found old maps, lots of them, and I cut up all these maps to make the beautiful flowers that eventually ended up on at least 9 Christmas packages. Boy did they get rave reviews from the recipients. I started thinking that if I made enough of these map flowers I could display them on a wall in my home. Wouldn't that be cute?
The ones in this picture are the ones I made for the packages and the leafless bush outside my house held them for this picture.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Zakka Style Sew Along weeks 23 and 24

Live United

I completely forgot to post about a project I  worked on over a month ago. I made the dress and applique bag out of a pair of t shirts. They were then donated for a Live United fashion fund raiser.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

                                                Zakka Style Sew Along weeks 21 and 22

Ok, so I have decided to not wait till the last 2 projects are done to make this post. I am so sad that the zakka sew-along is coming to an end.
week # 21 was this gorgeous picture frame. Again, I get to use all those scraps that I have that I  can't throw away. This project was really more about construction than sewing but I still had fun and learned a few new things along the way. The pic is a pic of me and my girls on our vacation  at the beach a few weeks ago.
week #22 is the pleated coin purse. At first I was intimidated by the metal frame but this project came together so easily. I think it may have been one of the easier projects in the book.
I have 2 projects to go but they are good ones. Then I will have 24 Christmas projects complete!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

                                                      Texting While Sewing

So........ Amy from is hosting this 
Texting while Sewing contest and I thought I would give it a whirl. I fell in love with the little colorful hearts fabric and I had to go from there. I have always loved black/hot pink and grey/hot pink combos (I know, showing my age, I am an 80's girl).  I am so pleased by the way it turned out and I think it will make a great gift for someone special.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Zakka Style Sew Along weeks 16 thru 20

The Zakka sew-a-long is almost done and I haven't even posted a blog about 16-20. So here I am playing catch up, YIKES!!!!!!!
#16 was this fun handmade ribbon made from all those little scraps you hate to throw away. So this is a dream come true for me. I got to use all those precious japanese fabric scraps paired with a little vintage flair.
#17 was this delightful linen bag. As you can see I didn't use linen but I used some more scraps.I did it log cabin style and I LOVE the way it turned out.
#18 was a stylish bread bag. While I am happy that the directions were easy to follow and it turned out super cute, I think that it needed to be a bit more sturdy.
#19 was supposed to be a sack full of playtime cookies. I went for a more healthy alternative with the kawaii fruit.
and last in this wonderful group of zakka is #20,
 this adorable sleepytime pillow with a cute little bear to put in it's own little pocket. this turned out too cute for words and I think this one is mine forever.
The next blog post on the zakka sew-a-long will be the last, #21-24. My daughter asked me today what I will do  with my life once this ends and I said, " I really don't know".

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Zakka Style Sew Along weeks 11 thru 15

Hello I am back from vacation and I can finally post 11-15 of the Zakka sew-a-long
#11 was the little zipper pouch with hexies. This project was fun and I changed it up a little to fit my style. The original one was made with tweed.
#12 was the happy couple hand warmers . They have small pouches of rice inside so you can nuke them in the microwave and have handwarmers inside your pockets on a cold winters day.
#13 was a pot holder. I have to say that this is one of my favorite projects. The directions were well written, easy to follow and the project came together nicely.
#14 was the water bottle holder . This wasn't my favorite project but it turned out cute anyways.
#15 was an "elephant never forgets" bookmark. Obviously I had fun with this one. I could make these all day everyda. They are so darn cute and oh the possiblilties with all those fabric scraps I have. I absolutely LOVE this project and a few lucky people got one of these darlings in the mail :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Crafty Cat

Your a brat

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Zakka Style Sew Along weeks 6 thru 10


Well, well, well, imagine that.
I got side tracked and forgot to  make another blog post .
Week 6 of the Zakka Sew-A-Long was these tiny quilt magnets. I am you telling you what, this project was difficult. I am not really great with tiny sewing projects, so  I was very happy when it was done.
Week 7 was a mug rug. I have to say I  never even  heard of a mug rug, but I own one now. I can use it when I drink my tea. :)
Week 8 was the block quilt. Surprisingly I have never made a quilt before.  I found it to be fun and will probably catch the quilting bug sooner than later. lol
Week 9 was the Stem messenger bag. I have made many messenger bags in my lifetime so I didn't find this to be a challenge, but I did like the pattern and have made a few more as gifts.
Week 10 was this great zipper organizer wallet type thing. I like everything about it except actually making it, HA. There were so many steps to the pattern and it also had some hand sewing involved.  As much as I complained about it, I have made 5 of them. And  before the year is over, probably more to come. :)
Well that's it for this blog post. The next 5 I promise to post sooner than the last time.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Zakka sew along First 5

Well hello again. I promised I would blog about the Zakka Sew Along and since we are already on week 15, I decided to put up 5 projects per day for 3 days so I could get you all caught up.
Week 1 was a zig zag tote. I actually started on week 2 but I went back and did the first project, which I might add was a challenge.
Week 2 was a house pouch. It was fun and easy and since my friend Julia, ( ) is the project designer, I was very happy to do her project.
Week 3 was a pin cushion and as easy as you may think it was. I had a difficult time with this, but in the end I think it turned out good.
Week 4 was the sewing kit. I had so much fun with this project I even made another for a friend of mine. I am finally getting to use fabric that I bought to make me stuff with , but never had the time. I love this little sewing kit and I use it all the time.
Week 5 was probably the most challenging and I can say I almost gave up. It was a patchwork pencil case and I had to start over 3 times. If I didn't get it the 3rd time around I wasn't ever going to. Alas, I finished and I guess the 3rd time is a charm. lol
Ok so tomorrow or the next day be on the look out for my next 5 items.
mary moon

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recently added to my show schedule-
the Westerville Music and Arts Festival

This Sat (14th) and Sun (15th)

I hope to see you there

I vow to start blogging more, especially about all the stuff I am working on. Stuff for fun.  More sewing for me and for my house and family. Less for my business, at least for now.
So today I made this bag for me using some new skills I have acquired doing the Zakka Style Sew Along. I used some of my fav fabrics that I have been hoarding (sound familiar) to create the bag.Here I am sitting on my new deck that the Hubby is working on. Isn't he doing a good job?
 I owe everyone one big blog post about the last 15 projects I have done in the Zakka style sew along. It has been a challenge and an adventure.
Maybe tomorrow lol.
Have a great night
Mary Moon

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm  looking forward to catching up with all my friends this weekend. Fellow artists, crafters and customers.
The weather man says it's going to be beautiful out. I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A class project I designed for my daughters school art auction.
Then I bought it (the blue one) and it hangs in my living room.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My daughter snapped these cute pics of Crafty Cat hanging out in our front yard.
On nice sunny days I prefer to work on my projects outside. I lay down a blanket on the driveway or bring out my mini table and chair to work off of. Normaly my cats are strictly  indoors and forbidden to go out, only they wait by the door and escape quit regularly. I do make an exception for Crafty Cat  as he stays close by (usually at my feet) and keeps me company.